Subrion CMS
Posted on 6 January, 2018 by Administrator
Subrion CMS is a powerful yet easy-to-use PHP content management system. It comes with a ton of great features including full source editing, per-page permissions, user activity monitoring, and much more. Perfect choice for any solutions from entry to enterprise level.The Subrion admin dashboard is also fully responsive, so it can be viewed via tablets and smartphones, allowing you can manage your content easily – anywhere you go. Fields management features for item listings also exist. Whether the fields relate to members, auto listing, real estate listing, coupons, or anything else, you can easily extend your listings with the additional fields. These fields can be created in many different forms, including, text field, WYSIWYG, checkboxes, radios, pictures, attachments, and more, all from the comfort of your Subrion admin panel.
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